Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My morning commute

...on the new Davis County rail trail that connects the Legacy Parkway Trail to Roy. Eventually this trail will stretch all the way to Ogden.


  1. This is an awesome photo. Bicycle Nirvana.

  2. great trail, I commute on it daily from Riverdale to Layton. I wish Roy would finish their portion.

  3. Good to hear from you Mike. I love the trail. I ride it daily from Kaysville to the Farmington station. Not very long, but I've been around your neck of the woods too. That foliage-covered section in Riverdale/Clearfield is just gorgeous! My favorite by far. Snap a picture of it next time you're passing through there, and send it to me. I'll post it up! Thanks again.


What are your thoughts?