Monday, July 18, 2011

1700 South gets a face-lift: Improvements for cyclists, motorists

1700 South - new design
From Salt Lake City DOT:

There have long been requests for a better east-west bike route in the southern part of the city.  Many sections of 1700 South are currently being slurry and chip sealed, and accommodations added for bicycling.

   Redwood Rd. to State St.

The five-lane section will remain, but the bike lanes will be slightly widened and the travel lanes slightly narrowed.  Bike lanes / markings will be added to the block between Main and State St.

   300 West to 900 West

The section from 300 W to 900 W has been chip sealed due to pavement condition.  This is being actively discussed with the bicycle community, and should the chip seal prove to be problematic in the long-term, the Streets Division has agreed to slurry-seal over top of the chip seal for a smoother riding surface.  The resurfacing has been completed, and striping should have been done this week. Please go take a ride on the new chip seal surface between 300 W and 900 W, and let us know what you think!

   State St. to 500 East

These four blocks will not be redesigned this year.  This section needs a reconstruction project.  We had proposed to stripe bike lanes (even without the reconstruction) but that would have required removing parking.  Unfortunately, our parking survey in this segment was conducted partially when SLCC was not in session, and we need to ensure that our parking survey reflects typical parking trends before we proceed with a design.  It may be revisited next year or in combination with the reconstruction project (year to be determined).

   500 East to 1700 East

Bike lanes with some sections of shared lanes will be added from 500 East to 1700 East.  The street is being slurry-sealed this week, and striping will go in next week, weather permitting.  Parking will be removed from one or both sides of the street to accommodate this change.

The attached flyer provides further details.  Let me know if you have questions!


  1. Yay! I am looking forward to a smooth commute on 1700 South. This is good news.

  2. This is RAD! I'm especially stoked because I live right off of 17th S. Can't wait for them spiffy bike and shared lanes.


What are your thoughts?