Sunday, June 13, 2010

Warning: The Heart of Darkness III

It's there. A rumbling in the distance. The fast-approaching sound of the greatest SLC alleycat of the summer!!!

Come one, come all, all bikes, all strengths, to a mess of a race around the city on that day of remembrance, July 24th. This race should take us all over town and never stop, 3 seven stop manifests in a row, joy oh joy. We've had a serious up-swing in Alleycats, yet I still forsee this as a topper in terms of fun, endurance, and effort. Not to mention a top prize of a Surly Karate Monkey frame courtesy of Andrew Chase, as well as a grip of other goodies from Reelight, Octopus Caps, MER, Discrete, Hold Fast, Knog,and some Marathon Plus's from Schwalbe.

Thanks to meester Alexander H for the flier image!!