U-bomb, the sibling of Zoobomb, is an extreme sport and as a result can cause injury if not done properly..
This image is of the spilt blood from an accident that occured tonight during U-Bomb. One of the cyclist lost control of their bicycle and struck their head on the pavement. They are not in serious condition, but the incident has seriously woken us up. At the time of impact they were not wearing a helmet. As U-Bomb is an extreme sport at high speeds on unusual bicycles down steep hills and after this incident, we came to a conclusion that helmets ought to be required to U-bomb in the future. However, we would like as much input into the matter as possible, so please share your thoughts.
Poor guy, hope they're ok...
ReplyDeleteHelmets are a great freakin' idea people...
Not in all instances of helmet usage, but in this instance I agree with you DBR. I think we should actually get downhill mountain biking helmets for this event as it is an extreme sport. Reading through the ZooBomb forums, I saw chipped teeth and all sorts of havoc to those that lacking the full helmet ( http://tinyurl.com/3tjdeu ). Even the regular helmets won't prevent that kind of damage. Other gear might also be considered.. including Elbow Guards,
ReplyDeleteChest, Shoulder and Back Protectors, Hip and Tailbone Protection, Knee and Shin Guards and Downhill Racing Gloves, etc. source:
It should be also noted this incident happened to a newbie, a person doing the run the first time, so I really believe we should at least enact a base that new riders have to wear a helmet. Veterans can decide on their own. As discussed here:
thoughts on it? post em.
i'm not one to force anyone to do anything (like wear a helmet), but it scares the hell out of me when people (especially new ones) bomb without a helmet. usually me telling people why it makes me so uneasy is enough to convince them. i've seen fuck-tons of broken teeth, heads, bones, and skin in the years i've been doing this--it takes some seriously extenuating circumstances for me to bomb without a helmet (i haven't done it in a long, long time). riding a bike is a very delicate, precarious balance to begin with--add real speed (and small bikes) to the mix, and you've got a recipe for shit-eating. you are going to bite it eventually--you might as well protect your brains/jaw/teeth/face/etc.
ReplyDeleteps. full face helmets are very sexy
It doesnt matter how good of a rider you are, or how good a rider anyone else is. You bomb for a long enough time, sooner or later your gonna have a gnarly fall and hit your head. Or your face.
ReplyDeleteEven if your not fucking up, bike failure does happen, and it can also happen to people in front of you and then you are boned. Full Face helmets are super cheap when found at thrift stores and the like, and are in my opinion essential to a safe bomb. Knee pads and elbow pads are real good too.
I am also not one for requiring anyone to use them, but having extra's around for newbies is a great idea. Give them the option.
And as justa pointed out. THey are really sexxy.
Ya can't force people to do shit.
ReplyDeleteBut you can try to convince them.
Wish you well U-Bomberz.
RyNO Dan in P-town.