Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Alleycat this Saturday -meet at 5 leave at 5:30 sharp

summer alleycat Kickoff this saturday @5pm take off at 5:30

Alleycat is on for this Saturday (RACE STARTS AT 5:30PM SHARP IN PLUM ALLEY). There will most likely not be any real prizes, just racing for fun and street credit. Word on the street is the king of the hipsters will be there. And this one should be interesting. I would advise to bring a lock. It won't be very long, like an hour, but it will start at 5:30 sharp, so be there on time.


  1. haha then come on over this one i think should be a good one.

  2. Davey, you have more than enough street-cred.


What are your thoughts?