Monday, April 11, 2011

Lost Girls

Hey all,

My name is Courtney and I'm here to address a phenomenon. There are girls all over this city on bicycles. Tall girls, short girls, fixed and geared girls. Fast girls, slow girls, straight and queer girls. I've seen and spoken to many of them, but most of them still elude me. I frequently find myself on campus staring down some tiny, shiny, beautiful specimen of a bike locked up on a rack and wondering where its tiny person is and why I've never seen her. I've had so many conversations with girls who say they don't do alley cats, but their boyfriend does. Or their old boyfriend did.

I was recently talking to Tom about how I'd like to do an all-girls alley cat to get girls involved who would otherwise be intimidated or uninterested in participating in cycling stuff. Lord knows I'd appreciate a break from the ultra-macho intensity that sometimes seems to overtake events. I'm not saying that girls can't run with the best of them but let's face it, we can't all be Jessie Gilmore. Then I came to the conclusion that it would probably be better to try and start a girls' cycling team for these lost girls. A group for girls to get together and test their limits and gain the confidence to run with the Jessies. Because everybody knows that she'd appreciate a break from being the Jessie anyways.

We'll have jerseys and weekly rides and good times. We'll ride together in alley cats and goddamnit we'll be a force to be reckoned with. I'm thinking Saturday afternoons? Please contact me if you're interested and pass the message along to any lost girls you think would want to be involved (bffs, little sisters, exgirlfriends, etc).



  1. Great writing, Courtney. From a literary standpoint I mean. Great idea, too.

  2. Oh man I'd love having a break from being me. And I'd love a break from the machos. and I'd love to ride with some ladies more. And I'd loooove a jersey that other chicas are wearing around. Holy smokes this will be so great. Let's get some sponsorships and get this thing rolling. I'm down with Saturday afternoons. Woohoo!

  3. Yo! I'm one of those tiny lady bikers (in forever search of the perfect 48cm ride, sighhhh), I spot these beautiful girlbikes too and I am SO WAY MEGA into this! Can I be on an email list? Should we start one? Courtney, do I know you? I think we met at Claire T's house (forgive me if that's b-a-n-a-n-a-s).

  4. Such a good idea.
    Anyone remember this badass chica event?:

    also, mebbie a good cross-post:

  5. Yeah girls, why don't we just make this part of Salty Spokes, since that's the whole reason why Salty Spokes is there. We've been talking about having fast-paced rides and alley cats forever!

  6. Yeah, I suggested not a merger, but a collaboration on the dealio. Obviously Salty Spokes takes the majority of the responsibility, but if we can have SaltCycle play a role as well, we'd love to. Maybe just the logo on the jersey? Or something to that effect.

  7. I think before we talk jerseys we should actually get some rides together. Sundae Shuffle is starting up again this month and we left off last year talking about an epic alley cat, so let's get that put into action and talk about more rides at the next Shuffle!

  8. Great idea! I'd LOVE to do a Saturday ride (any time works for me).

    In response to Esther's comment, can we do a different time than Sunday afternoons? I've always wanted to go to the Sunday Shuffle with Salty Spokes, but I go up to my family's for dinner every Sunday at 4pm.

    ps- aw! I wish my bike got scoped out by the ladies! I'm tall, so my bike just looks like a dude's bike.

  9. Well, we got a pretty good turn out for Sundae Shuffle last year, so I think we should keep that on Sundays, but I'm down to meet up on another day to discuss other rides. Also, if any of you want to be contributors on Salty Spokes, we're always looking for girls to post and organize...

  10. When is the next Sundae Shuffle?

  11. Next Shuffle is this Sunday at 5pm, weather permitting, meeting at the Gallivan!

  12. I've been in search of some ladies that are down to ride, for some reason its so hard to find them! I've had many a rides with the guys which are always a pleasure, but i'm definitely always pushing just to keep up... i'm sure you girls all know that feeling. It's an anatomical difference that should be recognized and celebrated! Unfortunately I can't make the Sunday 5pm rides but I could make it at 5:30... any chance that could happen? Or maybe I could just meet up with you the gang wherever you may be. From my research and knowledge most local business in SLC that are open on Sundays close at 5.

  13. Tiffany, in the summer we usually move our ride to 6pm, once it gets warmer in the evenings. However, if at this Sunday's Shuffle everyone would like to move the ride up to 6pm for next time, I'm definitely down for that. Message me at and I'll send you my digits so you can meet up with us at 5:30 this Sunday. We're planning on ending up at Pie Hole on about 4th and State.


What are your thoughts?