Saturday, July 24, 2010

Today's the Day!

(Carrying all the prizes to the end, Velo City Bags doing what they do best)

In order to not insult your intelligence, I'm not going to mention the event today that we've been spamming, cajoling, and begging you to come to for the last month. However I'm going to show you more pictures:

We got the final shipment of prizees in from Discrete, MER, and Velo City Bags. I've got my eye on that suave motorcyclist shirt, and I also am glad to have some of these tool pouches from MER in the mix.

In the course of a week I switch stuff between my home bag and work bag 6-10 times, and every day between my bag, panniers and camelback, depending on what's going on. Having all your tools together nice and neat is just one of those things that keeps one from completely losing it and moving into a yurt (note maniacal grin).

So big to small, there's some fun stuff to be had. The race is in 4 hours, and should prove to be a really great time. Jess and I are here at home flipping coins on whether we ride our fixed gears or roadbikes or motorcycles, and everyone I've talked to is psyched! Yes!

In other news, I set up a Salt Lake Alleycat Flickr group that anyone can join and add pictures to the pile, so if you have any good shots from alleycats 'round these parts send 'em on in!