Also, the Emigration Hustle Race will be postponed, as Dima and I are out of town for the Rad Massaker. Wish us luck!
Thirdly, the I hate my life alleycat was a rip-roarin' success. More info below.
After lugging a full backpack of PBR down to the start point, I hung out with (read: got spit and yelled at by) homeless people for a little while as I waited for the racers. Joergen and I kinda dropped the ball when we advertised for this race like 3 days in advance. Whatever. Like yall have anything better to do! Seriously though, I'd love to do a race like this with a little more forewarning, because though only about 8 people showed up, it was a ton of fun, and I imagine it'd be crazy cool with about 30 racers. It was great despite the turnout partially because everyone who showed up was freaky fast. It seemed more like a race of yesteryear, where each messenger company or corner of the bike community was represented by a few fast people, and everyone was pretty into being speedy. Joergen and I gummed things up even further by not telling everyone where exactly the first pickup was. Oops. Luckily I caught some of them and got ahold of Dima on the phone, who was nice enough not to keep it a secret.
After that I headed to my route, and proceeded to bike in an L shape between Main and South Temple and 3rd South, 2nd West for 20+ laps. That crap was tiring, and I can only imagine the pain the racers went through trying to find me and the 2 scooters going back and forth. A side benefit of my route was its effect on people along Main, who probably found themselves feeling like the stars of the Truman Show.
Gary returned to me super-quick each time, I thought for sure the race was his, with Dima, Sky, and Morgan in hot pursuit. I was surprised (but not that surprised) to find Dima won, he and Gary had a sprint-out from Jace's scooter on about 5th east and South Temple to Joergen in Memory grove park. Gary decided to try and take a 'shortcut' over the avenues hills and bomb down 3rd ave to the finish, which would have been awesome, but his quick-release was looser than he expected and he pulled his wheel into his frame, throwing the race. Long live fixed gears, or vertical dropouts! :)
Final standings:
1. Dima (geared)
2. Gary (Ryan breezed along with him, as usual.) (geared)
3. Sky (fixed)
4. Morgan (fixed)
5.Jessica G (fixed)
6.JT DNF (fixed)
7.Aerie DNF (mullet mtb!)
8. JJ (Decided the race sounded too complicated and bounced :))
Fun stuff! Thanks to Jace, Jake, Joergen, and myself for putting it on :).
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