Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So you want to be a bike porn star?

Well, you have until July 21st to send your bike porn videos to Rev Phil (.. well actually by July 18th because you have to send it to Rev Phil in portland.) I just finished my second short, but if you so choose to be more adventerous, more pornific, more cyclocore, then by all means, create a video that we can all be proud of SLC style. Once done, pack it and send it to the physical address of Rev Phil. Get this by contacting him @ revphil AT gmail.com (minus those spaces, damn those spam bots).

Here is the final edit of my Gorby Robot. NSFW and all that fun stuff:

Here are some other ideas Salt Lake City that you can steal:
•edit that Pride Parade film and send it
•a half man/woman half bicycle.
•a bike nude film. seriously, how often do we get to see that in SLC?
•U-Bomb footage.
•any compilation of any of the past work for any events - alleycats, critical masses, etc...
that Alley Kitten by a Fool's Errand Creation. someone contact the author and have them send some of that. i mean dildos were in the footage as one of the stops and that is very bike porn worthy.

I can't represent all of Salt Lake City with all the bikes and all the porn, and I know many of you enjoyed the first Bike Porn Tour - so please submit your works.. If you need my help, drop a line.