Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bicycle Drive-In on Thursday, June 19th @ 8PM.

Just got the details from Chetti over the phone for the bicycle drive-in, all pasted into this flier:


(You may also want to bring a blanket, and a chair for the movie.)

I will be handing out more fliers at the Heart of Darkness Alleycat tonight @ 6:30p (meets at alleyway north of Gallivan Plaza - Plum Alley) - look for me. Feel free to distro the above graphic by copy & pasting this on your favorite social network:



  1. some or all of us should also bring radios so we can tune into the movie's sound! unless everyone wants to make up their own dialog.

  2. the email said 12:30am perhaps another one should be sent out so that people know the right time?

  3. Actually, if you look at the email closely, it states, Thu Jun 19 8pm THROUGH Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:30am (Timezone: Mountain Time)

    So 12:30 am is the end time, not the start time.


What are your thoughts?