Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back on the DL

I wish I could make it sound a little more cool, but I can't. Yesterday I was riding my bike to work and I slipped on a patch of ice. I went down, not hard, but my foot sort of caught on the pavement and snapped like a twig. Or at least that's what it felt like. I knew something was wrong, I've had multiple serious sprains before, but this felt different. After 7 hours in the hospital, the orthopedic surgeon told me that nothing was broken, but I had torn a couple of ligaments between the tibia and fibula, expanding the bones and would require a screw to stabilize them while they heal.

(This is not my ankle, yet)

So all of my plans for winter riding are out the window. I was going to do the Salt City Sprints, enter the Frozen Hog, try to log at least 15 miles a day, etc. etc. Now I will be mastering the sport of walking on crutches and making my wife do everything for me. I'm also on Lortab, which means that I fell like throwing up 24/7.

Well, at least I can focus on finishing my law school applications. Hoo-ray.

This will be my first surgery ever, it's supposedly non-invasive and should only take about 30 minutes or so. Which seems about right, I mean, how long could it take to Ryobi someone's bones together?