Thursday, August 2, 2012

Whats happening in SLC this weekend

If you have been itching to join in on a casual group ride, want to participate in the Utah Clean Air Challenge or feast your eyes on footage from the latest Lucas Brunelle movie, you can do all three this weekend.

A photo from last years Green Guru Cruiser Ride
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Green Guru
With the Outdoor Retail Show happening this weekend, the city is abuzz with rumors of new gear and out of towners asking for beta on the best local restaurants. Join Green Guru on their third annual cruiser ride around Salt Lake, led by SaltCycles finest, Naresh Kumar. Prizes to be handed out by sponsors such as Prana, 5.10, and Endurance Conspiracy. The Chow Truck will be parked along the route at Liberty Park for dinner. RSVP and get more details at on the facebook invite

If you are familiar with Alley Cat races you have probably watched at least a dozen youtube videos made by Lucas Brunelle. Brunelle, who uses a helmet camera to document Alley Cats across the globe, is out with a new film about him and his quest to document these urban bike races. $5 gets you entry to the film showing and the Alley Cat on Saturday August 3 . Shoot over to facebook to get more details.

If you haven't heard about the Utah Clean Air Challenge, it started August 1 and runs till the end of the month. Take the challege to drive less and bike or use public transportation more. Take a look at the Clean Air Challenge website to sign up for the challenge or to learn more about it.

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