Saturday, September 17, 2011

New bikeways tour ride a success

After convening on time for the first time in Salt Lake City history, 25-30 riders embarked on what was an excellent ride around the city, visiting old and new bikeways and discussing what would make the City a better place for riding. On hand was Becka Roolf, Salt Lake City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for some real face time and direct conversation with one of the minds responsible for the city's excellent improvement in bikeways. See past the jump for the route!

The group wove their way up the East Bench on Gilmer Avenue, headed south on 15th East on the new bike lanes, stopping at the Caputos bike corral. Then we were off, down the hill on 17th South till we got to the Jordan River Parkway Trail. Then north along the parkway and Emery St. We were still about 20 strong when we crossed the recently-opened North Temple viaduct (bridge), and proceeded on North Temple, checking out the amazing new Bike-Bus only lane and shared lane markings. We rode on sharrows and in bike lanes all the way back to Liberty Park, where we talked about the future of Salt Lake City's bikeways and brainstormed on how to make it better. It was a great (and democratic) ride that helped us see the recent progress in our city all at once.

Thanks again to Becka Roolf for organizing the route, and to all who participated and took photographs and wrote notes about the ride. Please email me any pictures that you have and we'll make a set of them here on the blog for everyone to see. Thanks again!

Read a story on KSL about our tour!

1 comment:

  1. I really wanted to be in attendance, but I couldn't be there today. I really appreciate everything you're doing to help out biking in Salt Lake City. Hopefully I can make it to the next event.


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