Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Response from Salt Cycles bike shop

This is an open letter from Chris Austin at Salt Cycles bike shop in the southern Salt Lake Valley. See the following post for the reason for Chris' response. Many were concerned over the bike shop's new name change, from Staat's to Salt Cycle.

Salt Cycles is a new bike shop
based in the Salt Lake Valley.
Hi Tom,

I am writing because of a post on the SaltCycle facebook wall that expressed concerns over the name of our shop. I wanted to let you know that in no way, shape or form are we trying to step on your toes with the name Salt Cycles Bike Shop. We support any and all bike advocacy groups, especially local efforts and are involved in many projects ourselves. We would be happy to put a link to your blog on our site and would like to promote events you are behind. Anything to help the cause.

The reason we chose the name Salt Cycles goes back over 10 years when we had over 600 bikes manufactured out of magnesium, and we have been using the name ever since. When your blog started in 2005 (am I correct here?) we had already been using the name Salt Cycles for over 5 years.

Again, we don't want to step on any toes and would love to work with you to promote bike advocacy as it benefits all bikers.



Chris Austin


  1. Interesting post, thanks Tom. I was wondering if there were any "ties" after seeing a Salt Cycles banner. 'Salt' just sounds so good here in the great salt lake valley. I don't use facebook, go figure.

  2. Cool. I say we put a link on our sidebar that says 'we are not 'Salt Cycles' but they're cool guys!' with a link to their site :) If they're not jerks (and we're not jerks) confusion means cross-advertising! :)

  3. Damn. I came to this post to comment about the awesome "we aren't Salt Cycles but we hear they're cool" link. Now I see where this idea came from. Shoulda known, shoulda known.


What are your thoughts?