As we know, many municipalities in the valley are in a precarious position when it comes to spring flooding from increased rain fall and snow melt. The level of the valley's rivers rises every year, and has more so this year than in recent history. The Jordan River is the collector of all the water from East-West flowing rivers and tends to overflow this time of year. As cycling commuters know, the Jordan River Parkway Trail that runs adjacent to the river is an excellent North-South and South-North artery throughout the valley, from Sandy in the South all the way up to the Davis County line in the North.

As of now, we know that the part of the river near the path that runs under 2100 S and UT-201 is close to running over the culverts.
Also, a section of the trail near 11400 S has been inundated by a few inches of water. Please post in the comments section other sections of the trail that you have ridden on that you know are impassable or difficult to pass through. Please give us your tips on how to traverse these flooded sections and what alternate routes exist to get around the hazard area easiest.
We look forward to Spring, better cycling weather, and more people on the streets and trails. Let's keep everyone updated on how to do this safely and enjoyably. Thank you!
Updates below:
Updates of submerged or semi-submerged trail sections:
- 800 S to 6000 S - As of last night (19 April 2011) the parkway was dry between 800 South and approximately 6000 South. The river is very near the top of the banks in several sections, but
not yet flooding the path.
-2100 S/UT-201 - River nearing spill-over levels on culverts. The river looked to be about 8-10" from breaching the path at it's lowest point.
- 3300 S - The river is up to the banks at the 3300 South underpass but, outside of a few puddles, it is still ride-able
- 9000 S to 11400 S - I stand corrected. On Monday the section under the bridge at 10600 S had a light film of water under it, today (Wednesday, April 20 2011) it was about 6" deep for about 20 yards. I would recommend surfing on your top tube as you go through it, or going up and through the light by the golf course.
-11400 S - 2-3 inches of water covering trail
-12300 S - lightly flooded since late winter
- Camp Williams to Utah Lake - The ride from Camp Williams to Utah Lake is dry, took it yesterday (19 April 2011).
- Jordan Narrows bridge - There is a very hazardous situation at the Jordan Narrows bridge
which took us down on our tandem. Luckily we just have a few scrapes and
bruises, but it could have ended badly.
The rubber runners that have been laid on the bridge have curled badly at
the edges acting as a trough to trap water. More seriously, the edges can
catch a tire and trap it -- we got into trouble crossing from east to west.
This should be attended to immediately. I would like to see the runners
removed because the edges can catch a skinny tire. I don't know who is
responsible for this type of maintenance for this portion of the trail.
Updates below:
Updates of submerged or semi-submerged trail sections:
- 800 S to 6000 S - As of last night (19 April 2011) the parkway was dry between 800 South and approximately 6000 South. The river is very near the top of the banks in several sections, but
not yet flooding the path.
-2100 S/UT-201 - River nearing spill-over levels on culverts. The river looked to be about 8-10" from breaching the path at it's lowest point.
- 3300 S - The river is up to the banks at the 3300 South underpass but, outside of a few puddles, it is still ride-able
- 9000 S to 11400 S - I stand corrected. On Monday the section under the bridge at 10600 S had a light film of water under it, today (Wednesday, April 20 2011) it was about 6" deep for about 20 yards. I would recommend surfing on your top tube as you go through it, or going up and through the light by the golf course.
-11400 S - 2-3 inches of water covering trail
-12300 S - lightly flooded since late winter
- Camp Williams to Utah Lake - The ride from Camp Williams to Utah Lake is dry, took it yesterday (19 April 2011).
- Jordan Narrows bridge - There is a very hazardous situation at the Jordan Narrows bridge
which took us down on our tandem. Luckily we just have a few scrapes and
bruises, but it could have ended badly.
The rubber runners that have been laid on the bridge have curled badly at
the edges acting as a trough to trap water. More seriously, the edges can
catch a tire and trap it -- we got into trouble crossing from east to west.
This should be attended to immediately. I would like to see the runners
removed because the edges can catch a skinny tire. I don't know who is
responsible for this type of maintenance for this portion of the trail.
I ride from 9000 S to 11400 S on the trail every morning and evening (to and from work) and have not seen any flooding to be concerned about. There is a slight film of water underneath the bridge at 10600, but nothing disastrous.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: I stand corrected.. On Monday the section under the bridge at 10600 S had a light film of water under it, today it was about 6" deep for about 20 yards. I would recommend surfing on your top tube as you go through it, or going up and through the light by the golf course...
ReplyDeleteAs of last Saturday (Apr 16) the 7800 S underpass (near Gardner Village) is flooded. It looked like at least a foot of water.
ReplyDeleteCancelled a family running event because the Jordan River was running over the trail at 3800 South. Looks like most of Salt Lake county has flooding issues. Ran on the Utah County side yesterday and had no problems.
ReplyDeleteJim, thank you for your comment! I've been trying to find any information on which sections of the trail may be flooded in considering family bike rides. Does anyone know of any place online that posts flood updates for the Jordan River Parkway?
ReplyDeleteParkway in Lehi is flooded where it crosses SR-73. It's under about 6 or 7 feet of water that's connected to the river, so it won't go down until the river does.
ReplyDeleteThere's no quick way across, since the parkway is completely fenced off from the road on the North side, so the best way around it is to follow SR-73 East to 9800 W (Willow Park Road), then turn left on 300N. You can rejoin the parkway at Willow Park.
That's if you're heading North.
I was out yesterday on the section of trail between 12600 South and 10600 South. The sections of trail under 12600, 11400 and 10600 South are under water.
ReplyDeleteAs of June 11 the underpass at 3300 S, 4500 S, and 7800 S underpass (near Gardner Village) are completely flooded.
ReplyDeleteFrom 4500 S to 7800 S the underpasses are mostly dry. At 7000 S and the railroad (around 7400 S) the river is a few inches from breaching the path and it apparently did previously as they are signs up.
There is a few inches of water at the underpass at 21st freeway.
Tried to commute from 11400S, to 1700S, on the Jordan River Parkway this morning (June 22). Underpasses at 10600S and 7800S are completely flooded, but road crossings are easy. However, just north of 4500S, the trail is completely flooded and I had to cut over to Redwood road for the rest of my ride.
ReplyDeleteI am going up the trail from Winchester (6200 S-ish) to the end of the trail North tomorrow. I'll post results of flooding if there is any.
ReplyDeleteI rode the trail this morning (16 July) from 10th North to 50th South.
ReplyDeleteNo water on the trail until SR-201 then it was only about 3 inches and passable. Between 33rd South and 45th South both underpasses are underwater by about 3 feet. The trail is under water for about 100 feet North of 39th South about a foot at the deepest and for 100 yard between 39th and 45th up to 2 feet deep and buried in mud for any other 100 yards.