Saturday, December 11, 2010

King of the Hipsters next week!

So! I pre-rode the alleycat today, at 5 pm. It was pretty terrifying/awesome. Of course I knew the best-ish route, but I rode at about 80% and didn't do anything major-stupid in traffic. The race took around 80 minutes, and there's a good chance to break off after 45. If you ride at a fun pace in a group, It's fairly safe, I think it's one of the more fun and strange looks at the city that we've constructed. Have a blast and see if you discover some oddities about SLC.

If you're in it to win it though, be careful. I must impress upon you, this is a really fun race, not the hardest I've thrown in the past 2 years, but possibly the most dangerous. It's all around downtown in the worst traffic of the day, in the fading light. Lights and locks are a must. You will be asked to trespass. Leaves, metal grates, train tracks, and slush will try and knock you over. You will jump off and carry your bike.

After my pre-ride, I removed 2 of the most dangerous stops (hint: FFKR), but please, everyone do me a favor and DON'T DIE. This race is about having fun on your bike, and knowing your limits. If you choose to race hard, leave yourself ample winter margins. Cos I want you to make it to the party.


  1. 400 S and about 600 W. Davey, you better not be taking us to North Salt Lake. I checked the weather and it should be about 38 degrees at the hour of the race, maybe a little cooler and there is no rain or snow in the forecast for that day. Game face!

  2. I love exploring crannies as well as less traveled short cuts. I'm a recent SLC addition; If it's dry, I'll be excited to show up and lead the los-ters to a finnish.

  3. Only if it is dry? Send it evan!

  4. Davis, will we need to bring a bag, or shall a hip-pack suffice?

  5. Yes I second the "hip-pack" question...

  6. hip packs should suffice, unless you wanna bring me a TON of chocolate...

    After all, if you win, you'll be taking a bag home, eh? So might as well plan for it... :)

  7. I am sooo confused... How did chocolate come into the picture?

  8. Chocolate's always in the picture.


What are your thoughts?