Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcoming bikes to public space

I got the following email from a fellow named John:
"Hey Davey,
Since you seem like a real bike enthusiast could you answer a few questions for me?

when you ride your bike up to any public place are there any specific things you like to see that are especially nice for bikers (bike stands, covered bike area)? do you have any ideas you wish the city would implement to make public places more "biker friendly"?


I answered his question as well as I could, but I can hardly think of everything and I'm not too picky in the scheme of things, anybody wanna sound out on what they'd want to see around here? please comment away.

My answer to him can be read below...
Hi John,
That's a big question, and kind of depends on at what level we're talking. An individual business can do well to have outdoor bike parking, if it's covered that's pretty neat, the best for me is if I can see my bike from within the restaurant/etc. Squatters is an awesome example, they have 2 bike racks and put in another taking up a parking space right out front because of demand! coolo.

There's a difference between good bike racks and bad bike racks too. Anything that is a solid, welded object you can put your bike next to and not have to wrestle with other bikes is great. Anything that just accommodate your front wheel is horrible.

Also, the 'Bicycle Benifits' (googlable) program is awesome, essentially retailers sign up to give discounts to anyone displaying the sticker on their helmet. Means bikes are encouraged, helmet use is encouraged, shopping local is encouraged.

For the 'what should the city do' that's a huge question. We're on the right track here in SLC, putting in bike lanes, sharrows (those green lanes that are awkwardly popping up around) and even a bike boulevard is in the works! The intermodal hub is a good new development too.

What are you interested for? If you're developing something there are some great resources out there locally, one would be to contact Becca Roolf, the Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator for SLC Transportation. In fact, here's a little article on her answering this question exactly! :):

Further, the Mayor holds a monthly meeting called the Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Committee, it's on Wednesdays, and has lots of discussion about bike/city issues.

Also, I help run a site called, a community events page for cyclists. I'll throw your question over there and see what people say.

Finally, the organization Streetfilms puts together excellent little pieces on livable streets and developments to that noble end all around the world. As a filmmaker I think you'll really appreciate it.



  1. I approve of these answers. Good job Mr. Davis, Davey.
    Also... bike boulevard? Where?

  2. 6th east dood! >!>! so great if it happened.

  3. 6th east would be great IF the lights were retimed.

  4. A couple friends of mine recently got a warning by a cop for riding on the sidewalk downtown. It's illegal on some blocks. But it raised a good point: if we are expected to park on the sidewalk where most bike racks are placed, shouldn't we be able to ride to those racks from the corner at least? I don't like riding on sidewalks, but the real solution would be to take out 1 or 2 parking spots on the blocks where bikes are often parking and put in road racks, like Portland. If we belong on the road we should park on the road.


What are your thoughts?