Monday, July 14, 2008

SaltCycle Events Move To Google Calendar.

The SaltCycle Events has been moved from Yahoo! Upcoming to Google Calendar.
Here is why:
•upcoming didn't offer reoccuring events so I had to manually enter in the events each time.
•more people now have gmail accounts and can access the google calendar easier.
•the map system for google calendar puts upcoming to shame.
•the feed for google calendar looks much better.
•adding events to the calendar will be easier.
•and many, many more reasons...

I sent out an email to many of you explaining that you would have to resubscribe to saltcycle : events. You can do this by entering your email address on the right side of the page and clicking "Subscribe".

Questions, comments, concerns? Send them.


1 comment:

  1. sweet! I'm glad it was doable, thanks for being the tech guru. I'll keep my ear to the ground for events to update!


What are your thoughts?