Few will forget the capstone of the U.S. society on July 20, 1969, an event which stood triumphantly on, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
The political driving force behind this commitment and the $30 billion dollar price tag was fueled by the space race and fear of Sputnik metalic creatures getting the Cold War edge. Today, we are fueled by the blood of the terroists in Iraq, in Iran, wherever the oil can be dug and still remain fueled by petrol.
Average gasoline prices in the U.S. have hit $4 a gallon, and while Britian, France and Germany pay nearly twice that amount, they also have invested vast resources in establishing alternative forms of transportation instead of tearing them out.
The time is now and today that the United States does not merely follow in pseudo alternative technology such as ethanol, but rather lead in its pursuits of exploring, discovering and distributing a realistic gasoline alternative.
We do not need, nor will benefit from more fuel effecient vehicles. The Model T Ford engine was introduced one hundred years ago this October and little has been done to improve upon this 10 mpg model. Even at 40 mpg we still are dependant on the same broken engine that ties us to being slaves to the oil industry. We need to divorce oil.
What a divorce it shall be! $50 billion dollars are spent on our addiction to oil yearly, while $18 million goes to line the pockets of our representatives and the entire society is structed around oil use from heating homes to making just about every bought product.
Despite these ties, it is imperative that we end this abusive relationship. We can start these proceedings by creating a national department akin to NASA that invests its resources in finding practical solutions to impractical oil usage.
Politically we can let the people know that the war on terror begins with a war against dependancy on foreign oil and the explotation of the people who hold that oil. Because like NASA, the people need a reason for having their money go towards a new science whether that be putting a man on the moon or fuel alternatives.
Sending a man to the moon was important, but being oil free may be one of the single most important decisions in the history of the United States.