Anyone want to embark on an epic project? This one was thought up in some of the bicycle conversations during Critical Mass... here is an idea:
Basically the idea is a really odd geared fixie that has no brakes, left in a high bicycle crime area unlocked. Then someone hides with a camera and gets all the footage of the event. The videos are uploaded then to a youtube account by the name of stealmyfixie (reserved by me currently, for use by anyone interested in this project...): http://youtube.com/user/stealmyfixie So basically, we would need a fixed gear bike with a completely unusable gear ratio with no brakes and a disclaimer on it, a camera with good zoom functions, and a good location to place it. If we have someone brave enough, we could even have someone chase the individual on the bicycle. If it gets big enough, it could even be expanded to user contributed videos on a community website like this(again, reserved by me currently, for use by anyone interested in this project...): http://www.youtube.com/group/stealmyfixie Then stealmyfixie dot com? Who knows. This project has a lot of potential for laughter and greatness. Anyone into this type of project? (((Feel free to steal the idea as you see fit. I did. The biggest push on it, is getting to actually start.))) x-posted to the SLC Critical Mass Mailing List.
Sweet idea! I think a good spot would be up at the U...can you imagine someone stealing the bike and bombing down the hill unaware he/she won't be coming to a graceful stop? Maybe we should include a helmet they can also steal. I'm down to participate in this and volunteer as the chaser!