Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Got A Bike Shop Rant?


..well take out the expletives and make it into a review.

The SaltCycle Link List for Bicyclists is looking for Salt Lake City Bicyclists to review some bike shops by adding their experience to Yahoo! Local Reviews.

Simply visit this link, and click [Reviews] next to the bicycle shop you want to review.

So far I only have 6 shops added. (I didn't review Gutherie as I haven't been there since the new Sugar House location) If you want to add more shops feel free to add them on the wiki and link to the Yahoo! Locals review page:

Contender Bicycles - 875 East 900 South. [Reviews]

Cyclesmith - 250 South 1300 East. [Reviews]

Fishers Cyclery - 2175 South 900 East. [Reviews]

Gutherie Bicycling - 803 East 2100 South. [Reviews]

Wasatch Touring - 702 East 100 South. [Reviews]

Wild Rose Mountain Sports - 702 3rd Ave. [Reviews]

(Please no owners of the Bicycle Shops or their employees on these reviews. Lets keep this fair.)